14 thoughts on ““All great changes are preceded by chaos.” -Deepak Chopra

  1. No I never did before you mentioned it but I don’t think we need him right now. Dr. Dobersen is an extremely well respected Forensic Pathologist and he is now in this with us to bring out the truth. But thanks – if we need him we will try.

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    • Thank you I appreciate your comment about this blog. To be honest with you when I started this blog I had absolutely no idea how to do a blog. Morgan was constantly trying over the years to get me to journal like she always did, but every time she bought me a new journal I would write just a few pages in it, but never ever stuck with it.

      After Morgan’s death I had an extremely strong urge (intuition, feeling?) that I should start a blog on the website in order to show people who Morgan really was, using her own photos that she had taken – I wanted the photos to show how she saw the world. She loved life, she loved people and she was always so excited about nature.

      The second reason for the blog was my need to tell the whole true story of what happened to Morgan on a day to day basis from the timeline I kept during her stalking, along with text messages, emails, etc. from her as well. I wanted people to know what happened so #1 they could learn from our mistakes, #2 they could possibly even help me fill in answers to the questions I had. I know that last part sounds strange, but it did work I had people from around the world sending me comments, and even private emails with offers of their professional opinions in areas of the stalking that I did not understand.

      And the last reason (which has now become my path in life) was to bring out important information to the public about the dangers of stalking, things to watch out for, and things they can do to be safer, not only for themselves, but for others as well. These three things drove the blog, and then it took on a life of it’s own. I never expected the kind of interaction that evolved from this blog. One of the first things that happened (and there have been so many now I can’t even remember) because of the blog were 2 messages from 2 different veterinarians in our home area telling me that after reading my blog the stopped selling equine amitriptyline to their clients to self administer to their horses. They told me they never knew that amitriptyline was on the sexual assault panel that labs check because it has been used as a date rape drug as well as something that has been used to murder. That is just one small change that happened because of the blog…a very unexpected good change.

      So I guess in answer to your question – if you want to start a blog, and you have a passion that you want to share with people, check into different “pre-canned” blogs like WordPress, pick the one you’d like to use, and just follow the directions…it will walk you through all your choices. Then share your blog with your Facebook friends, etc. and they will probably share your blog with their Facebook friends, and if the message you are trying to give to people is widely accepted then most likely your readership will continue to grow and grow. Good luck – sharing information and messages that can ultimately help others and is a very positive thing to do.

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    • Yes if you would like to contribute to raising awareness on the subject of stalking and elaborating on topics that I have brought up already I would love to review and post here. Definitely let me know. Thanks so much! The more we can all spread the information and raise awareness the more changes can be made.

  4. Dear Toni,

    I am so sorry for your loss and everything you and your family have been through. I live in Austin Texas and have been stalked since 2009 after leaving an abusive ex husband. I have never heard of a national protocol for law enforcement’s handling of stalking. Would you send me more information on this recommended national protocol?


    • I am so happy you asked that question Carol…and I am so very sorry that you have been stalked since 2009. Stalking is horrible, destroys lives and is serious so there really has to be a good protocol that law enforcement is required to use in order to save lives, but at this time it is a “suggested” protocol and is not required.

      Here is some information for you. From COPS (Community Oriented Policy Services) by the United States Department of Justice, “Creating an Effective Stalking Protocol” http://ric-doj.zai-inc.com/ric.php?page=detail&id=COPS-W0045 and then there is the “Model Campus Stalking Policy”, published by the National Center for Victims of Crime The Stalking Resource Center (SRC), a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime, was established in 2000 with support from the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) at the United States Department of Justice. The Stalking Resource Center’s mission is to raise national awareness of stalking and encourage the development and implementation of multidisciplinary responses to stalking in local communities across the country. As the only national training and technical assistance center focused solely on stalking, the Stalking Resource Center has provided training to tens of thousands of victim service providers and criminal justice professionals throughout the United States and has fostered innovations in programs for stalking victims and those practitioners who support them. http://www.victimsofcrime.org/docs/src/model-campus-stalking-policy.pdf?sfvrsn=2

      My wish is that more and more people share the knowledge that there are ways to change the way stalkers are being dealt with at this time and with that change I truly believe so many more people now and in the future will be helped so thank you for being brave enough to ask this question and for sharing.

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    • Thank you so much Jordan – I have been asked the same question by many people about publishing an ebook. I would love to do that sometime down the line when I have more time but right now there is too much going on with Morgan’s case. I hope by the Spring I will be able to concentrate on a project like that in order to help raise awareness.

      I definitely would be interested in guest author in order to share some of the many stories I have heard as well as Morgan’s story. Please let me know the name of your blog…I will email you so you can email me back. Take care!

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