A Father’s Devastation…love NEVER dies

IMG_0857This picture is a picture of a grease board Steve used to keep in the office at his shop.  One day Morgan came by to help out in his office, and she wrote this on his grease board.  She never mentioned that she wrote it, but of course the next morning when Steve opened his office he saw it, and he NEVER erased it.  He kept it on the grease board because it made him smile every time he looked at it.  He still has it today, but because he fears that it may accidentally get erased, he wrapped it in plastic and stored it away.  This is what we parents do when our children are taken from us.  When we no longer can see or hear them, and we do not want to loose the precious items they left behind.  Somehow seeing her writing makes it seem like she is just away at school, or on some grand adventure.

Tomorrow is Steve’s birthday.  It should be a day of celebration, but the days leading up to today have been extremely hard for him.  Every day became more and more emotional.  His heart has been torn in two. It has been almost 4 years since Morgan was murdered and there is no closure.

Morgan was his baby…she was our youngest child.  A surprise gift we received when we least expected it.  At the time she was born we already had a 13 year old daughter and a 10 year old son, but when Morgan entered this world we all fell in love – she completed us.  It is so hard for him, as it is me, to look through all the happy pictures of Morgan…it shouldn’t be, the pictures should make us smile, and they do, but then we start to cry.  It is like someone is pulling our hearts out of our chests.

So tomorrow everyone in our family will put on smiles and try our best to make Steve happy, at least for a little while, but in reality I know even if he can sustain a mask of happiness he will be crying inside.  Anyone can be a father, but only a special man can be a daddy, and Steve is, and was, a daddy to Morgan as well as our other 2 children, as well as to our niece who never knew her real father.  Steve is and always will be a daddy, and I know Morgan will be at his side all day tomorrow, even though he won’t see her – my hope is that he will feel her spirit come through, because of all the love she has for him…death can never destroy that love.  I wish Steve a happy birthday – he is the best daddy I could have ever hoped for as a father to my children, and I love him with all of my heart.



Morgan is always on Always on my mindmy mind, and forever in my heart – she will never be forgotten.  

This is the same for all those
many other families that I have spoken with over the past few years.  So many are in, or were in, the same situation as ours…their child had been determined to be; a missing person/runaway, suicide, accidental death, or natural causes, when there was credible evidence that these are the wrong conclusions.

I can understand when law enforcement receives a case that they have worked on but can’t ever seem to get enough evidence to make an arrest – of course that happens, and then it becomes a cold case.  BUT there are so many cases like Morgan’s that are never allowed to be investigated because the evidence is ignored.  It is a case (for all different reasons) that law enforcement does not want to investigate – they do not want it to be a homicide and please, don’t believe for one moment in time that this does not happen…it does.

People ask me, “How can you keep fighting for an investigation to be opened when local law enforcement won’t listen?”  It isn’t easy, but just like other parents in our situation, when you have credible evidence, facts that show your daughter or son was a victim of a homicide, you can’t just drop it and walk away.  Sure it may be a little less painful to walk away and pretend it never happened, but you would know that you are allowing a murderer(s) to walk free. That doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t work for Steve and it doesn’t work for so many thousands of other supporters that want to see justice for Morgan…it doesn’t matter how long it takes, we won’t give up.

We are not grieving parents that can’t accept that our daughter is dead – we know she is dead, we know nothing will bring her back. We also know first hand that not every murder that is committed is listed as a homicide.  We have spoken with many other families that have been in the same situation – some of them have fought for 5 years, some for 13 years, some for over 20 years before the truth has come to light, and their loved ones were able to receive justice. Some families are still fighting to this day.  These are cases where their children were not considered victims of homicide – but they should have been.  If you believe for one moment in time that it doesn’t happen, start reading the news. It happens too often, and it is always horrific for the families…how can they do that to parents that have lost a child to a violent crime, and then it is cover up for many different reasons?  To lie and cover up a murder is not only criminal, it is also a crime against humanity.  Human atrocities have happened throughout human existence, because good people have stepped back and kept quiet – they did not stand up for what is right.  Look back on history and ask yourself, “What would I have done?”

Morgan was, and is loved.  Morgan was, and is important.  We want only justice and truth for Morgan – nothing less.  The holidays will be here soon – remember to hold each other tight, and tell each other how much you love them…every day is precious, and every moment together is a moment to make a memory…a memory that you will carry with you forever.

Love & light to you all.


Morgan Loved Life – How Dare They Lie…

IMG_0393And again…here is a picture of Morgan – peaceful, loving Morgan.  Of all the people in the world to lie about how could they have chosen to lie about Morgan? Those who knew Morgan, those whose lives were touched by Morgan know that the things these “others” have said about Morgan are not true.  People that NEVER knew Morgan at all think they can just make up things about Morgan…and they can, but do other people believe their lies?

Did you know Morgan was a voracious reader? In her room she had many, many books.  In the bins that she had already started to pack up for our move, she had many, many books.  She was a student of LIFE.  She wanted to know everything, and anything.  She did research constantly teaching herself how to crochet, knit, read music, play the piano, learn different types of yoga & languages, meditation, how to prepare healthy organic foods, bake, paint, create crafts, design clothing, and much more.  She did not sit around playing video games or partying, she liked to be fully engaged in life – not avoiding it.  I guess the way she lived her life, in a way, angered some other young adults that felt as though Morgan thought they were beneath her.  They were wrong – Morgan did not think about them at all.  She was only concerned about how she was living her life.

Morgan was a passionate student of philosophy, and she studied many different religions.  She had many passions in her life, but her main passion was life itself.  Just walking around town she would stop to admire a beautiful flower, or a dragonfly momentarily touching down.  Driving through the valley as a passenger in the car she would point out how beautiful and different Mt. Sopris was on that day, compared to the day before.  She would point out the elk in a distant field, or get excited when we drove by someone she knew.

She would “squeal” when her friends would run up to her on the street – always so excited to see them, even if she had just seen them the day before.  That was Morgan.  She was sweet, kind, loving and appreciated her life.  She never took life for granted – she was passionate about life.  For the person she was I am grateful – she lived her short 20 years to the fullest, in kindness & love, without regrets.

And her life should never have been taken from her by jealous and obsessed people that have no real purpose in their lives.  These people that were involved in her murder know exactly who I am speaking about, as I know they read this blog. I would like them to know they have been lucky up until now, but that will not continue to be the case.

Until now the Garfield County sheriff & coroner have been able to cover-up Morgan’s murder by using misleading and false statements, along with both of the incorrect manners of death, all in order to derail any investigation into her suspicious death.

Original jurisdiction (Home Rule) in Colorado allows local authorities, like the coroner and sheriff, to keep any other law enforcement agency from investigating. It is a law that allows an agency that is corrupt to exist in Colorado. Fact: Morgan was a victim of an active felony stalking investigation at the time of her murder.  Fact: The ONLY drugs found in Morgan’s body were date rape drugs, ALL were listed on the Sexual Assault Panel at the lab.  Fact: Both of Morgan’s toxicology reports dispute the coroner’s findings of natural causes and then suicide. Fact: There is evidence that her body was moved postmortem (after she was already dead), it was a staged crime scene.

Morgan’s case will be investigated, and there is more than enough evidence already to have people stand trial for her murder.  It won’t bring Morgan back, but hopefully it will bring about changes in the way victims of stalking and murder are treated, and will make very needed changes in Colorado law.  We will absolutely NOT give up until these things have happened.

This brings me to one of the reasons I am writing this post – please know that we do not live in a world in which we are able to sit back and not make choices – inaction is a choice.  The Garfield County Sheriff has created false statements about Morgan, including trying to misdirect people into thinking she wasn’t even a victim of stalking, which is absurd.  She was a victim of an active felony stalking investigation at the time of her murder!  But I know exactly why the sheriff has chosen the stance he is taking – he can not afford an investigation into Morgan’s murder, because he can not afford an investigation into his own office.

To Morgan’s murderer: Heaven & earth are coming for you & for all those that have helped you, and are continuing to help you. Morgan’s life mattered.  Morgan was loved and had her whole life ahead of her. lightmorgan

If someone chooses to stay silent about a criminal act, an act that they know is criminal, then they are not only morally wrong, they may also be charged as an accessory to a crime, and that also goes for people in law enforcement as well.  I know there are officers in the Garfield County Sheriff’s office that know the truth about Morgan’s case, and have not come forward yet.  I’m sure they fear they may loose their jobs if they come forward, but then again, is it right to stay silent?  What happens when the truth comes out and these officers are questioned?  What happens when more than one officer start to tell the truth?  This recently happened in Pueblo, CO in the case of the missing young woman Kelsie Schelling http://www.chieftain.com/news/crime/3969128-120/schelling-police-pueblo-case.  The police officers in Pueblo towed the big blue line until too much evidence came out, and the media, as well as the justice system, became involved.  Those officers finally did come out with the truth about what happened, against their superior’s wishes.  In my heart of hearts I believe that most people deep down inside are good people, and when they know something terrible is being covered up they will come forward because it is the right thing to do…but maybe I am too much of a dreamer.  Maybe it won’t happen until indictments are made.desmondtutu

Remember the simple things in life – like brushing your child’s hair…

MorganwithMomI loved Morgan’s hair…actually I love everything about Morgan.  Her smile, her eyes, her voice, her cuddles, everything.  I miss everything about her – I miss Morgan.  Some mornings I wake up and just cry, I know it is the grieving process, but I still tell myself, “I want Morgan back, I want to wake up and see this was all just a bad dream.”  But that never happens, and it never will.  I know, just like all the other parents that have lost a child, that I will carry this pain with me until the day I die.  Don’t believe anyone that tells you it gets better over time – it doesn’t.  I think you just get better at managing it over the years.  But even if you get better at managing it – it still gets away from you at times when you least expect it, and the tears flow.

It always seemed like Morgan loved having me brush her hair and braid it.  Even when she was an adult, she would sometimes ask me if I could put a french braid in her hair before she went to bed.  I think she knew I enjoyed it and it became one of our bonding moments over the years that we did together.  Just like squeezing each others hands to say, “I love you,” without words, or doing a girl’s night together where we would both give ourselves facials and laugh at how funny we looked.  All those precious memories are all I have left of Morgan.  I am so grateful that I have them – nothing can take away the love of a child, not even death.

Parents never think they will loose a child.  We usually think we will pass before our children, and when a loved one is violently ripped from your life your whole world changes. I can no longer see Morgan’s bright light, but nevertheless I can “feel” it.  And I know others can too.  They tell me that the “felt” her right when they needed her.  She still comes to comfort them, and to let them know she is okay.


Don’t Cut the Victims of Crime Act Funding!!!

Just received this notification from COVA – URGENT!

Don’t Cut VOCA
 Calls Needed Immediately: 
VOCA Funding for Victims of Crime Under Threat
November 3, 2015


Please forward Widely!
We must make our voices clear and loud right now to sustain VOCA funding
While many aspects of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, signed by President Obama this week, are good for vulnerable people, steady funding for the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) is at risk.  Looking for ways to provide additional funding for defense and human needs, the Budget deal took $1.5 billion out of the non-taxpayer-generated VOCA funds, which are dedicated to direct victim services, to pay for the overall increase in funding. If this deal is sustained, the amount of VOCA funds allocated each year could be much lower than last year’s appropriations and the similar current amount budgeted in both the U.S. House ($2.7 billion) and Senate ($2.6 billion). Appropriations bills for FY 2016 will determine if VOCA is funded at the 2015 and 2016 recommended levels.
 Call your Members of Congress right now (especially if they are on the Appropriations committees or party leaders, see below) with this message:

“Do not reduce the funds allocated for VOCA.  We count on VOCA to fund direct services such as (name critical services such as shelter, rape crisis services, legal assistance, direct counseling, etc.). This money comes from criminal fines, not taxpayer money and barely meets the needs of programs and services to victims.  In 2015, VOCA was increased in order to truly help the many victims who have been going without critical support services. There is at least $12 billion balance in this fund and VOCA dedicated funding is a small part of that.  If VOCA is cut from the 2015 level, it will be devastating. It will harm our programs by (include details such as – reduced numbers of victims who could be served,  reduced professional and skilled staff, reduced or eliminated victim service and prevention programs). In this year’s Appropriations process and beyond, Congress must maintain its commitment to helping the most vulnerable victims escape and heal from violence and abuse and rebuild their lives. Please don’t turn back the clock on victims. Please tell Appropriators that victims in [Your state] are counting on sustained VOCA funds.  With over $12 billion in the VOCA fund, this is not the time to cut funding for victim services.”


To reach your Representative and Senator:
 Find your Senators and Representative here 
; enter your full nine-digit zip code for the best results.  You will be taken to their contact info, including phone number.  Be sure to say you are a constituent!  You can also call the Capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121. Choose Representative and then enter your zip code to be transferred. When you are done leaving a message for your Representative, call back and follow the same process to leave messages for your Senators. Special attention should be given to the Senate and House Appropriations committee members, so if your Members are either with us or hopeless, contact the “money” folks who will decide how to divvy up the funds.


Tweet ’til you drop:
@your Senators’ and Representative’s Twitter handle  (you can find this in the search box at the top right hand part of your screen)
Please protect the Victims of Crime Act. Rape Crisis Centers need to help victims on waiting lists. #DontCutVOCA
Domestic violence victims need VOCA to stay safe. Too many are turned away. #DontCutVOCA
#DontCutVOCA when the FY 15 increase is just starting to help hurting victims.
#DontCutVOCA just when survivors of sexual assault are finding courage to seek services.
Key contacts: 

logo triangle

Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance
1325 S Colorado Blvd, Suite 508 B
Denver, CO 80222