For Those Who Don’t Believe…Sadly, It Happens More Often Than We Want to Believe

Autopsy Doctor Resigns, Says Sheriff Overrode Death Findings to Protect Officers

2 thoughts on “For Those Who Don’t Believe…Sadly, It Happens More Often Than We Want to Believe

  1. Good Morning,
    First, I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I learned about her via Crime Watch Daily. I have three children and would be moving Heaven and Earth for them, as you are in seeking justice for Morgan. I’ve now read your blog from start to finish.
    I am an E.D. RN going on 17 Years. I’ve seen way too many overdoses. One thing that has lingered with me, and if it’s too much to ask, I completing understand. Did Morgan have any vomit on her? It’s been my experience (for what’s it worth) that one who orally ingests enough pills to register a lethal amount, involuntarily vomits due to gastric irritation, no matter how sedate they are. That level of sedation with vomiting many times leads to aspiration pneumonia aka vomit in the lungs causing pneumonia simply because vomit shouldn’t be in the lungs/it’s ph balance is different than lung ph causing irritation. However, if one is injected with medication, the medication bypasses stomach digestion… vomit. Seems to go along with no pill fragments in the stomach. Just a thought based on my experiences in the E.D.
    I really hope you and your family get the truthful answers you deserve.

    • Thanks for writing in. No there was no vomit, which makes sense because she was injected with a massive dose of amitriptyline – her toxicology results show, when combined with it’s metabolite, that it was over 10,000 ng – forensic toxicologists told us that if she had ingested it she would have died before it reached 1,000 ng in her blood so it was impossible for her to ingest it. We believe it was liquid equine amitriptyline from the horse ranch behind our house – from a vial for a 1,200 lb horse. And yes, we can see the injection mark on the inside of her arm…the toxicology also shows it was a one time only dose and she had not been taking the drug so people that “pretend” that she had been taking it and intentionally or accidentally took too much and died just don’t understand the scientific facts when they read the toxicology results. Her toxicology AND the crime scene photos AND the fact that her body was moved postmortem are all evidence that she was murdered. I really appreciate you writing in – I think bringing up all these points are really great. Take care!

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