Illusions Will Be Destroyed…

Friedrich nietzche

Nietzsche was one of Morgan’s favorite philosophers.

This quote is so true – for many different reasons people don’t want to hear the truth about Morgan’s case.  Some fear they will be arrested for being the perpetrator or accomplice (because they know what they did), some fear her case being opened for political reasons (and there are many), some just want it to go away, because in reality they don’t want to believe this could have happened to one of their own in the Roaring Fork Valley, they just don’t want to believe in this kind of ugliness…sad truth is that the truth is the truth, and it will always be the truth, whether you choose to believe in it or not.  So I am very confident that Morgan will receive justice one day – I just wonder what will happen to everyone’s beliefs when that day comes and they are forced to face the truth?