One of Morgan’s Aunts wrote the following (and I couldn’t agree more)

Please read Morgan’s stalking from the beginning. My niece should be here today. This type of terrorism must stop.

How about we wage a war on the Stalker’s. They know who they are!  Stay informed, aware and proavtive.

picture of Morgan giving the “thumbs up”

7 thoughts on “One of Morgan’s Aunts wrote the following (and I couldn’t agree more)

  1. Morgan is absolutely stunning.

    I want to help in any way I can, for Morgan, for my Mom (stalked as well)…I’m not sure how!

    • Thank you so much! Spreading awareness of the seriousness of stalking will make a difference…I heard recently about the butterfly effect – a small group of people with the right ideas at the right time can effect huge changes in this world, and I do believe it!

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