December 29 – Day 28 of Morgan’s Investigation – Not the instructions we wanted


Today involved the Sheriffs department, but it was a different kind of a day as far as investigations go.  Today did not involve detectives, but the Volunteer Programs Coordinator instead.

He met with Steve and I at the house and gave us a book, we may have already had one, but you could never have too many.  It was a book about what to do now that a loved one is dead, starting with all the practical steps that need to be taken.  I guess as a month after a sudden death approaches it’s time for the survivors to get on with the process of life.

Back then and so many times since I have openly wondered how is it that during the stalking there was nothing.  No real direction, no real plan, certainly not a change in tactics that were yielding nothing.  But after she was dead, there was a book for that.

I didn’t know why or how, but at the time I had feelings that her stalking was directly related to her death.  Nobody on her case seemed to think so. For all of those others who had tried to somehow protect Morgan there seemed to be no doubt that her stalking and her death were in no way related.  While for me I always had a strong feeling that without the stalking Morgan would have never died.  Steve felt the same, we just did not have medical conclusions to back it up…yet.

So we were focused on completing everything that needed completing for Morgan, and it was not easy.

Our program coordinator was also very concerned that we be aware and understanding of our detectives, and possibly even others involved in Morgan’s case.  There was a fear that sometimes officers get too close to the victim, and react badly if they die.  This can really affect their performance in future cases, and can even lead to demotions, and become career ending.

The needed to give our detectives space, and be sure to expect less from them now was discussed.  At the time we had been told Morgan had died from natural causes so it wasn’t really making a lot of sense to me, but I did take the advice to heart.  The situation was bad enough already, and I did not wish in any way for it to become worse.

It was really a deflating, saddening, meeting.  I do not envy the job that he evidently volunteers for.  Positive moments are certainly few and far between.  I had wanted to follow up with the still lingering points of Morgan’s case that I really thought should be brought to a conclusion, but in view of this new advice I decided to put it off until the new year.  It was right around the corner anyway.

Then I could get back to finding out what had happened to Morgan’s missing jewelry, and how the interview went with the friend or a friend who had heard J.H., talking about the stalker, and utter that “now the police know it’s my daughter’s ex-boyfriend.  What exactly did he mean by that?  I had yet to come up with any other explanation than he meant the Sheriffs know that it is K.V.G. just as the detective had told me.

After all of the emotional impact he had on Morgan’s last four months of life – I wanted this to be brought to an end.  But I could wait…thinking it would not be very long.

That was over a year ago.