There are Guardian Angels on Earth, and some of them do wear badges…stalkers beware – things are changing.

Just tonight I received an anonymous email through the website.  I read it twice and cried, and cried.  The tears I shed were not tears sadness, but tears of joy, and happiness. And my heart felt as though it grew larger at the same time.  I have not copied the whole email out of privacy for the writer, but I just had to share some of it with you, because I have always put my trust in Law Enforcement and I have felt so let down and angry this time because I told Morgan, towards the end when she had given up on them, that they were still trying to help catch her stalker and to keep the faith – she listened to me, and ended up dead.  I do believe there are great Law Enforcement Officers out there that really do want to help save  people and now I know they are just as upset about the way Morgan’s felony stalking and murder was handled as we are.  So before I launch into the 2nd half of this blog, which will be about the investigation, or lack there of, I just want to show you something from a Detective that really does care – this is the type of warrior and hero I wish Morgan had watching over her before it was too late.


I continue to read your blog and more and more I become angry at the way this was handled.  It sickens me.  It was (and is) neither professional nor moral.  I dearly wish that I could have been the Detective assigned to your case.  I have a very powerful work ethic and I absolutely abhor blatant disregard of victim’s rights.  Your plight has done nothing but solidify that strongly held belief.  I once raised my right hand and swore to defend this great country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic – with my life if need be.  I again raised my right hand and swore before God to uphold the Constitution and laws in the performance of my Law Enforcement duties and to protect the innocent.  I became the Sheepdog.  I became the silent protector in the night.  A shield of hope.  I became the one thing that violent criminals fear:  The one person who can and will visit the same terror and violence unto them that they cause their victims.  Everyday prior to beginning work, I tell myself that the Wolves will not prevail.  I will be that wall that stands between them and the innocent.  In order to continue their terror, in order to continue their violence, they will have to go through me first, for that is my sworn oath.

Please take heart in one simple fact:  There are many, many professionals in Law Enforcement that feel the same way I do.  It is not an easy job, but none of us pursued this profession because it was easy (or to get rich),  We do this because we are inherently good people and wish to do nothing more than protect those innocents that need it.  Do not lose Hope nor Heart, for the truth is a blinding light that has a way of seeping out of the deepest, darkest night.  Justice will prevail, of that I am certain.  Keep hold of your convictions and fight the good fight.  Your struggles have had an immediate impact on the citizens that I am in charge of keeping safe.  I will continue to work feverishly to protect them and swear that what has happened in your situation – will NEVER happen on my watch.  There are Guardian Angels on Earth, and some of us wear badges.

Peace to you and your family.